An adaptive design system powered by Tailwind CSS.

Skeleton extends Tailwind CSS to help you create your own customizable design system, while providing easy to use components for modern web frameworks.

Design System

This premium kit allows you to import Skeleton themes directly into Figma a dedicated plugin. Switch between dark and light modes on the fly. Preview all available components instantly.


Tailwind Components

Common visual interfaces, such as cards, buttons, and badges. Utilize native HTML elements and Tailwind utility classes.

Functional Components

Interactive components for supported frameworks. Handle state and logic for user interaction and form elements.

And Even More...

Solve the hard problems at scale. Skeleton comes with an assortment of quality of life features out of the box.

Framework Agnostic

Core features require only a single single depdendency — Tailwind CSS.

Zag.js Components

A foundation for cross-framework components. Standardizing features and accessessibly.


Extend Skeleton with easy to follow guides for popovers, code blocks, and more.

Adaptive Design

Utilize themes as the foundation of your design to replicate any visual aesthetic.

Dark Mode

Skeleton themes supports Tailwind's dark mode mechanisms out of the box.


Type-safe by default, with helpful IntelliSense feedback as you work.


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Projects like Skeleton exist through the generosity of our wonderful community. Help fund the project, while receiving fun incentives in return. Available on the following services.

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